
20% off Diamonds!

Ahead of the Bridge International Championship (BIC) which starts in a few days’ time on Funbridge, fill up your account with Diamonds at a discount price: 20% off packs of Diamonds until 25 October! What are…


Test your knowledge with Marc Kerlero!

In partnership with Bridgerama magazine, Funbridge is pleased to give you free access to a special article from the last issue. Enjoy! (Click here to print the article). From the statement below, bid then play the deal…


15% off Diamonds to play federation tournaments!

Let’s celebrate the new bridge season with 15% off Diamonds until 13 September! Diamonds are Funbridge virtual currency. They allow you to play our Funbridge Points tournaments as well as official tournaments licensed by our 15 partner NBOs: To play federation…


We are pleased to announce this special offer ! 1 federal tournament played in September will be refunded in October! The new bridge season is starting! Now is the perfect time to compare…
