There’s something new on Funbridge!

We announced it a few days ago… And we keep our promises!
Starting today your Funbridge app is getting a makeover to make it easier to use, more user-friendly and in tune with the times. One of the enhancements made to the homescreen is that it now highlights special tournaments and top news.
Don’t wait any further. Come discover the revamped Funbridge app now! If you have not already done so, update the app if you play on a smartphone or a tablet, or log in to our web browser version if you play on a computer!
I don’t understand this! Haven’t I already paid for this? I’ve had Funbridge for years and love it.
Hi ! No additional charges for the new version of Funbridge. Team Funbridge.
The previous homepage of the app was much better than the new homepage. Everything seems smaller and too much color is making it unappealing. Please give users the option of choosing the homepage
Hi Ziggy, unfortunately such an option is not available on Funbridge. Team Funbridge.
I’d like my newly paid subscription back please. This is not what I signed up for
Totally agree. The new version is horrendous. I don’t even want to play anymore
Fun Bridge was one of my delights ass blindness progresses. This new App was meant to be something to feast my eyes upon, for me my eyes weren’t fed instead it appears another delight has gone as the print is far to small. Do Hulu have something going to adjust the app for sight impaired people?
Hi, please detail the issue about Hulu in our contact form: https://funbridge.zendesk.com/hc/requests/new Team Funbridge
I don’t like the changes you have made, too messy with argine and numbers and flashing names, the screen is too busy, don’t fix what isn’t broken, just sayin
Hi Rhonda, thanks for your feedback and sorry if this new version doesn’t fully fit your expectations. Team Funbridge.
Yea Rhonda you are right, all the flashing and colors and the new bells and whistles does crowd the screen and make it distracting. Hope Funbridge does something to fix it
Listen to the feedback. Read Facebook comments. No one likes what you did to the app.
I agree fully; in addition, my points are very hard to read. Please go back to the old design!
I do not like the makeover. The flashing nameplates are distracting; the font is not to my liking.
Disastrous update…. I loved funbridge, but the new game table with flashing names, unnecessary labels, smaller and weirder fonts, makes concentration impossible. Really seems like it was designed by a non-bridge-player. And why show “4 ❤️ 11” as a result instead of “4 ❤️ +1”? Again it’s something only a non-player would do. Very unfortunate… badly damaged a great product.
I cannot see the “pass” button nor the pass bids in the new version on my iPhone. Are you aware of this problem?
Not enjoying the new style at all! Everything seems smaller, especially the playing square, with hard to see writing. Flashing lights and jerky movements added to the discomfort. Can’t see anything here that I liked. ☹️
I can’t use the new version of Funbridge. As others have said, the cards are too small (absurdly the cards you have already played, shown on the right are huge!j Also the jiggling of the name of the person whose turn it is to play is very distracting. I’ve tried turning it off in settings but it still jiggled. These things together with the brightness gave me a headache and a mild form of light aversion. I still have over 200 boards that I have paid for and if it’s not possible to revert to the old version I should have a refund. Please give us the option to chose.
This is horrible. Where is the fun practice hands. I use this app for evening unwind.
OMG! I hate the new page – it is actually making me sick like car sick! Anyone else
I really dislike the new format. I can see no benefit in the changes and prefer the former look. This is not an improvement. Big mistake, Funbridge.
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[…] 21 October you have been able to play bridge with the new version of Funbridge. The enhancements made include a revamped interface and a homescreen highlighting our special […]