A slam in the silence of opponents
Mixed Teams, regional finals. Contract: 7 Spades by South.West leads the Club Queen. Creusez-vous les méninges pour engranger toutes les levées ! How many tricks do you see?You can expect seven in…

East isn’t the brightest bulb inthe box

The Champions Example
Teams game – Swedish Championship You are sitting South in Swedish champion Simon Hult‘s seat. After West’s 1♠ overcall, you easily reach a 3NT contract. Contract: 3NT. West leads the 5 of…

Overcalls in the pass-out position
Compared to an overcall in seat n°2, the number of points required for an overcall as n°4 is significantly reduced. The consequence is that we have to be all the more careful…

After a 2NT opening
When one of the partnership opens 2NT, he already gives a precise description of his hand. But even so, his partner has many bids available to ask him to refine his description…

When an opponent intervenes over 1NT
One efficient system to deal with an intervention is the Rubensohl convention. This convention essentially comes down to bidding transfers, but one level higher; the three-level. As for the bids up to…

The correct part-score
In tournaments, it’s very common for a side to bid but not have enough points to reach game. In this case, it’s important to look for the best part-score contract: the one…

Developments after 1♦-2♣
For those who don’t systematically open 1NT with a five-card major, the sequence 1♦– 2♣ is a little peculiar, in as much as the opener cannot hold 15-17 HCP and a regular…

Raises by the opener and developments
It is not so easy for the opener to properly support his partner. He has to take into account his distribution even more than his points. Later in the auction, the way…

Let’s bid partner! By Nicolas Lhuissier
After a minor-suit transfer. Holding a long minor opposite a 1NT opening, responder uses a transfer in order to let the strong hand become declarer. But once opener has executed the transfer,…