When an opponent intervenes over 1NT

One efficient system to deal with an intervention is the Rubensohl convention. This convention essentially comes down to bidding transfers, but one level higher; the three-level. As for the bids up to 2♠, they become natural and competitive (unless bids of two of a major over an adverse Landy).
Deal 1
Dealer East. South overcalls 2♠.

With 10 HCP and five Hearts West uses the transfer at the three-level. East is happy to correct at the same level – after all, his partner may not want to play game. So, West then gives a choice of games by bidding 3NT and East choses to play in Hearts without hesitation.
Deal 2
Dealer West. North overcalls 2♥.

The Double of the adverse overcall is always take-out and shows a hand with at least 5 HCP. Here, East’s Double allows E/W to wisely fight for the part-score and the excellent Club contract is reached.
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really intresting
i have learned a lot
Great stuff!
Very informative. I learned something new. Thank you.