Bridge problem: Original blackmail
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer South. Both vulnerable. North-South hands Lead: Ace of ♦. West plays another ♦, East discarding the 2 of ♠. You continue with a small ♣ to…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer South. Both vulnerable. North-South hands Lead: Ace of ♦. West plays another ♦, East discarding the 2 of ♠. You continue with a small ♣ to…
This Sunday night, I watched Marjorie play a deal against the girls from Israel. She doubled her opponents in 5♦ and declarer went down. Fortunately, after the lead of a small trump…
This is the third part of a series of articles. You can find the first two parts on the blog!To read part 1, click here and for part 2, click here. Enjoy…
Without a fit in a major on your side it is obviously a No-Trump cvontract that you have to aim at. Do you absolutely have to stop all the suits? And how…
North-South have reached a very poor contract. As so often, each of the two players considers that his partner is responsible for the accident. And you, what do you think? Problem 1…
To get this lovely month of May off to a good start, we invite you to take a few moments to relax and read your May Exclusive Newsletter. Below you’ll find the…