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Secrets of declarer play: Elimination and endplay [part1]
Let’s focus today on the cases where the endplay is only effective against one of the two players or more effective against one of them. Examples: But of course, we can’t always…

Count your tricks

Bridge problem: There is no use in bidding, you need to play (well)
An illustrious bridge champion and well-known journalist, Jean-Paul Meyer was one of the “greats” of the bridge world. With this bridge problem, rediscover the expertise of a player who left a lasting…

August Bridge Quiz: answer available!
In your opinion, is North last bid forcing or non-forcing? Click on “Participate” to submit your answer before 21 August. The winners will receive Diamonds♦️ on Wednesday 23 August! Take a chance! 🍀…

Whose fault is it?
North-South have reached a very poor contact. As so often, each of the two players considers that his partner is responsible for the accident. And you, what do you think? Problem 1…

Bridge Problem: Unpredictable Twist
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer East. North-South vulnerable. Card play Lead: ♦6. Do what you can to justify your rather light overcall. Solution You have escaped a ♥ lead, and for…

Two Spice Recipe

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Vincent Gallais: Profile of an innovative bridge player
An addict to the thrills of bridge from a tender age, he left the South of France to join Lille, Funbridge’s mother city. Computer engineer by day, bridge player by night, his…