March bidding contest: the results!

Experts’ answers
Deal 1: A novel situation
Deal 2: Which part score or which game?
Deal 3: A fit that is difficult to show?
Deal 4: The great plunge
Deal 5: The right track
Deal 6: Destructive or constructive?
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I never know what to say
Not understanding your comment. I will check my profile again.
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How do you get more than 10 diamonds ♦️
It would have been interesting if, in the file with the results of the various players, you had listed the profile bidding system of each of the players listed,
I could have compared the way I bid as opposed to that of other players with the same profile name .
On the results list, how about putting the names in bold so at least we can read them? Better yet, just let us know our score so we don’t have to scroll down and search for it.
Nell elenco dei risultati sarebbe bello poter digitare il proprio nome in una casella di ricerca