Bridge Problem: Better Late…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer South. North-South vulnerable. North-South hands Lead: Queen of ♠. Your 4♥ bid was perhaps a bit optimistic but at the sight of the dummy, you felt…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer South. North-South vulnerable. North-South hands Lead: Queen of ♠. Your 4♥ bid was perhaps a bit optimistic but at the sight of the dummy, you felt…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer South. Both vulnerable. North-South hands Lead: Ace of ♦. West plays another ♦, East discarding the 2 of ♠. You continue with a small ♣ to…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer North. All vulnerable. North-South hands Lead: ♠2. East wins with the Ace and returns a ♠. You ruff and play the ♦2 immediately. West, a good…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer North. All vulnerable. Card play Lead: ♣A. East follows with the 4 to the lead and West switches to the ♦10.You try the Queen, East wins…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer South. Neither side vulnerable. Card play Lead: ♦ Queen, followed by Jack.How do you plan to continue? In modern bidding, 3NT shows a 4- or 5-card…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer East. East-West vulnerable. Card play Lead: ♦5. The 2♦ bid guarantees a fit in ♠. In the Cavendish Ladies pairs, the Russian declarer was the only…
The eternal question for a bridge player… whose fault was it, who is guilty? This new article is dedicated to a domain that is the reason for many discussions at the end…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer North. Game all. Card play Lead: Jack of ♠. Don’t be confused! After 4NT, Blackwood with clubs as trumps, 5♥ is asking about the trump Queen.…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer West. Game all. Card play West leads the Ace of ♥, continues with the King and plays a third round of the suit. You ruff (with…