Filling them with fear
Dealer South – non vul. Here is your hand as East: After a long auction, your opponents stopped in game: What have you learned? North made a slam attempt but it was…
Dealer South – non vul. Here is your hand as East: After a long auction, your opponents stopped in game: What have you learned? North made a slam attempt but it was…
You’ll have to take care of your defensive skills by carefully reconstructing the hidden hands. You are South in a teams match and pick up the following hand: The other side gets…
When it comes to making a tricky decision either in the bidding or the play of the cards, a good player must always try to get an idea of how the deal…
Teams match, dealer East, all vul. You have just picked up the following hand as East: And it’s your turn to speak. What do you do?A weak 2♠ opening in first seat…
North-South have reached a very poor contract. As so often, each of the two players considers that his partner is reponsible for the accident. And you, what do you think? Problem 1…
This month, you’ll solve a defensive problem which is often treated the wrong way at the table but which becomes completely approchable if you take the trouble to ask yourself the right…
You have probably heard of a Suicide Squeeze. Playing in a notrump contract, the idea is to break the defensive communications by giving a defender the lead with a choice of only…
Summary: 1- Leading from four small after you supported partner2- The lead of an Ace or King after a pre-emptive opening by opponent3 – Which card to play when you know that…
This Sunday, one of the Girls from the France Girl’s Team contacted me at the end of the Channel Trophy(*). I already thought that Garance was going to tell me about the…
We’ve all played contracts that you know can be made provided you guess right. The fate of the contract may depend on a two-way finesse for a queen, a finesse-or-drop guess, deciding…