Sitting South, what would your next bid be?

Sitting South, what would your next bid be?
Tom Drijver’s answers

Double in the part-score battle. Partner will choose the best suit, knowing that you don’t have a biddable second suit. Partner will only opt for a suit other than hearts if he has a five-card suit.
20/20 ✅

This bid gives a fairly accurate picture of your hand, but you lack one heart. Your partner might pass 2H if he has five cards in another suit and no heart fit.

This is definitely an option, though a bit passive. Letting the opponents play too easily at the 2-level often costs a lot of points.
The full deal:

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question inutile…réponse evidente…
Wonderful learning! I had also thought to Double!
No doubt “double” is the right reply
Good question as I often come up against this situation and good to know that double is the best option as probably would have passed. Also may have opened 1nt with 15 points and a balanced hand.
I bid 5 card majors with 15-17 points always….and tend to overlook doubles too often.
Agree that this is a good question. Some players would pass (worst option) or repeat the hearts (not too bad here, but playing in the 8-card fit is clearly better).
I find this a great way to learn
Good question as it often comes up.
1 club?
Loved the problem. More so because I gave the 20/20 answer.
I said 2Hearts….but I can see the logic of a double!
What’s the vulnerability? Seems the South hand would probably make just seven tricks.
Should ask what to bid if no one bids between you and partners!
A double was a good answer, but my answer was 2 h.
Thank you for this example.
Yes. Excellent question. Keep them coming.
Find this very helpful. Thank you
I said x this time I got it right
Often have gone to the next level
I think that that confuses partner
Great for improving bidding