Will you find the right path?

You’ll have to take care of your defensive skills by carefully reconstructing the hidden hands. You are South in a teams match and pick up the following hand:

The other side gets to 3 No-Trumps after this auction:

Your partner leads the Diamond 4 and you discover the dummy:

What’s the distribution of the Diamond suit?
Your partner leads the 4, fourth best. The 2 and 3 are visible in your hand and dummy. Consequently, your partner had exactly four Diamonds and declarer three (10 points).
How many Clubs does declarer have?
His 2♦ response to his partner’s Stayman shows that he doesn’t have more than three cards in each major. We now know that he has three Diamonds, so he has at least four Clubs. If he had five, your partner would be void in Clubs and therefore hold a five-card card major, which he would have chosen for his opening lead. Therefore, declarer had four Clubs (10 points).
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