Luc Bellicaud’s Analysis – January 2024
For my first ambassador tournament of 2024, there were 1,100 participants and the deals were particularly interesting! I achieved a score of 66%, which I got thanks to a few deals that…
For my first ambassador tournament of 2024, there were 1,100 participants and the deals were particularly interesting! I achieved a score of 66%, which I got thanks to a few deals that…
1,154 of you took part in January 2024’s monthly Funbridge tournament “The Professor”. Thanks to you, this tournament was a success. I hope to see even more of you in February. Congratulations…
Higher than necessary! Dealer East, All Vul. Sitting East, you are the dealer and hold the following hand: You open a natural 1♥, over which South overcalls 1NT and North raises to…
This month, you’ll solve a defensive problem which is often treated the wrong way at the table but which becomes completely approchable if you take the trouble to ask yourself the right…
One of the situations: 1- The disadvantages and advantages of executing the transfer only if you have a fit Some players are still reluctant to integrate into their system that the execution…
Did you play Tom Drijver’s tournament in January? Our Funbridge ambassador and Dutch champion shares his top tips with you in this article. Thanks to you, the tournament was a success! You…
As declarer, you often need to decide on the location of an honor that will determine the success or failure of a contract. When faced with this type of situation, you should…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer North. All vulnerable. Card play Lead: ♣A. East follows with the 4 to the lead and West switches to the ♦10.You try the Queen, East wins…
Summary The experts’ answersDeal 1: Ruff-and-discard on the horizonDeal 2: Prolonging the sequenceDeal 3: Cumbersome minors Deal 4: Disobedience?Deal 5: Fight or flightDeal 6: Hide-and-seekThe winners The experts’ answers Deal 1: Ruff-and-discard…
You have probably heard of a Suicide Squeeze. Playing in a notrump contract, the idea is to break the defensive communications by giving a defender the lead with a choice of only…
Summary: 1- Leading from four small after you supported partner2- The lead of an Ace or King after a pre-emptive opening by opponent3 – Which card to play when you know that…