Various Lines of Play from the Winter Games (Le Bridgeur Magazine No. 914)

2017 World Vice-Champion Jérôme Rombaut writes a column in the French magazine “Le Bridgeur” every two months. In the article below, published in issue 914 of the magazine (March/April2018), Jérôme analyses a deal he played during the 2018 European Winter Games organised by the European Bridge League.

2018 European Winter Games : deal analysis by Jérôme Rombaut

As you may know, Funbridge has been licensed to run daily WBF tournaments since February 2018. Why not join in and try to become the world’s top online player?

The other major bridge event in February 2018 was the European Winter Games in Monaco. Here is a particularly interesting deal from the tournament.

You are the declarer in 3NT, looking at the following hands:

S J 8 5
H 8 7
D A J 8 2 
C Q 9 8 3
H K Q 6 4 3
D 10 5 4


How do you play after the lead of the 2 of Spades, whether or not you know that it must be from a 4-card suit?

Without absolute certainty about the length of West’s spade suit, you might consider playing the Ace, King and Jack of Clubs, overtaken by the Queen, and then a heart, often taking 9 tricks, as the favourable position of the Ace of Hearts is enough if Clubs produce 4 tricks.

When you know that Spades break 4-4, play on Diamonds. Cash the three club honours and play the 10 of Diamonds. If it is covered, win the Ace, play a heart up to the King and a diamond to the 8. If the 10 is not covered and is taken by an honour, you will then play a diamond to the Jack.

This is the best way of taking two tricks in Diamonds without the defence being able to cash two themselves.

You will lose at most four tricks (i.e. one diamond, one heart and two spades) and take nine (four clubs, two diamonds, one heart and two spades).

The full deal of this
2018 European Winter Games Championships

S J 8 5
H 8 7
D A J 8 2
C Q 9 8 3
S Q 7 6 2
H 9 5 
D K 7 6 3
C 5 4 2
S 10 9 4 3
H A J 10 2
D Q 9
C 10 7 6
H K Q 6 4 3
D 10 5 4


Visit our “Let’s talk about bridge” section if you want to read more deals analysis.


    • I had this issue for a while too. You can actually go into your options and allow a tentative card play which must then be tapped again in order to confirm its play (with it being only visible to you until confirmed). If you mistap, you can tap the cards in your hand to withdraw it. It can be buggy at times, but it’s still better than a misplay.

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