Your January Exclusive Newsletter

Hello January

To get 2024 off to a good start, make the most of your Premium or Premium+ status and discover our selection of brand-new content. We hope that you will enjoy it!

You need a Funbridge Premium or Premium+ subscription to keep reading.

Pour lire l’intégralité de la Newsletter Exclusive de janvier, veuillez-vous connecter avec un compte Premium ou Premium+ en cours de validité.


  1. What kind of consequences have cheating players to fear? Do you have any statistics on this topic? Do you expect other players to report the “black sheeps” or do you monitor the extreme good scores by an algorithm?

  2. Insolve your users more in your decision making processes e,g. by publishing the agenda of topics you intend to implement in the weeks to come or by asking them what bothers them most.

    • Hello BicJo,
      thank you for taking the time to leave us a comment.
      For organisational reasons, it’s impossible for us to plan content from one week to the next. However, if you have any special wishes, you can write to us in the comments section of the Exclusive Newsletter so that we can look at the subject the following month.

      Kind regards,
      Margot – The Funbridge Team

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