#step by step

Step by Step

Three scenarios

Dealer South, E/W vul. Herer’s your hand as West: South opens 1NT and North-South quickly reach 3 No-Trumps: What do you learn from the auction?North’s Stayman reveals that he has four Hearts…

Step by Step

An atomic bomb!

Teams match, Dealer West, None Vul. After West opens 1♦ as dealer and your partner doubles for takeout, you respond 1♠ with the following hand as South: After which the auction develops…

Step by Step

Technical cards

Teams match – Dealer South, All Vul You are sitting East and hold the following hand: Your left hand opponent opens 1♥ and this is how the auction unfolds: Lead: ♣5 for…

Step by Step

Surprise surprise!

Dealer South, None Vul. In first position, you have opened your balanced 19-count with 1♣: Your partner responds 1♥ and then signs off in 3NT over your 2NT rebid: West chooses to…

She is priceless

It’s priceless!

Dealer South, None Vul. Sitting South, you open the following hand 1NT: And North raises to 3NT: West leads the 10 of Spades. And now it’s your turn… Contract: 3NT.Lead: ♠10, the…
