Secrets of declarer play: elimination and endplay[part 3]
![Secrets of declarer play: elimination and endpaly [part 3]](https://www.funbridge.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/HEADER-EN-2-1024x576.jpg)
This is the third part of a series of articles. You can find the first two parts on the blog!
To read part 1, click here and for part 2, click here. Enjoy your reading!
Up until now, we have looked at the usual cases where you put your opponent on lead in a different suit than the one giving you a problem and then wait for him to give you an additional trick in that suit or a ruff and discard. But it happens that you put your opponent on lead in the very suit that you want the defense to play for you.

Towards the end of the play, declarer plays a small Spade towards his 10. Except in the obviously favorable case where East has the King and Queen, West wins the trick… but if the other suits were successfully eliminated before, he must now play into the AceJack, allowing declarer to get two tricks in the suit even with King and Queen offside.
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In example three, it seems if east holds KQ of diamonds, this strategy is not 100%
oops, yes it is 100%