Your 2018 Year in Figures

A few days ago we were having a look back at the new features offered by and enhancements made to the Funbridge app throughout 2018 in the article “Highlights of 2018“.

Today we have decided to focus on the key figures of last year. To this end, we have made this new 2018 Funbridge infographic showing the activity of the Funbridge community on the app in 2018.

Which game modes do players like most? Which countries are the most active? How many deals have been played? Discover the answers to these questions (and many others) below now!

2018 Funbridge infographic


  1. I think that if there would be an Italian translation regarding lessons, indications they would allow Italians to participate more. I have been following funbridge quiz for quite a lot but there was an objective difficulty in understanding your explanations so I gave up and with me many others.
    italian speaking people do not understand champions lectures etc…they give up and follow BBO! By

  2. grazie delle specifiche comunicate, il mio cruccio è sempre lo stesso non capire le vostre spiegazioni e usare il traduttore del pc a volte è nullo. grazie anche per le innovazioni apportate sul gioco della carta, se fosse possibile fare qualcosa sugli attacchi.
    Buon lavoro

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