Vincent Gallais: Profile of an innovative bridge player

An addict to the thrills of bridge from a tender age, he left the South of France to join Lille, Funbridge’s mother city. Computer engineer by day, bridge player by night, his hunger for his passion, as well as his skills, enabled him to develop a unique prototype of its type and, at the same time, to secure a permanent contract at the company of his dreams.
What lies behind this new recruit? What is his role at Funbridge? One thing is for certain: you have not heard the last of him.
Profile of a bridge player
It all began… in the canteen
A full-time bridge player
An atypical prototype
A long relationship with Funbridge
Bridge: a destiny?
A bridge player who knows how to bridge knows how to innovate
The best advice for a player wanting to progress at bridge
If I were…
A card up his sleeve, a permanent contract in the bag
Profile of a bridge player
Could you introduce yourself to the players of Funbridge?
I am Vincent Gallais, 23 years old and originally from Nantes. I have just finished my engineering degree in the fields of Industrial and Computer Engineering in Marseille, after having completed my preliminary studies in Montpellier. I have come to Funbridge for my graduation internship.

It all began… in the canteen
I started with bridge 13 years ago at primary school in Nantes. A gentleman came to introduce us to it at lunchtime and that would allow us to benefit from a priority card in the canteen on Tuesdays; I was very interested by this priority card. I ended up trying bridge and loved it. I found the game complicated to get to grips with but the competitive side quickly got me hooked.
I was in a private school in which everyone compared themselves to and judged each other on their appearances but here, we were all equals in this game.

After my first three years of bridge at school, I joined my first club to look for a bit more of a challenge and some competition. The patience and dedication of some of the volunteers, such as Jean-Yves Grand or Brigitte Céleste, contributed greatly to my progress. In the same spirit, I also joined the French Bridge Group which I am currently part of. This group means I can practise regularly with the best French juniors. I like bridge because it allows me to confront people from all walks of life all while setting myself goals throughout the year.
Being a member of the French Group? It is a bit like the World Cup for football: there are incumbents and substitutes – of which I am a member – who do not play on the field but who train with the whole team and stick around to help the other players.
When you were studying, did you put bridge on hold?
No; I continued despite my studies, which allowed me to free up my mind and think about something other than my courses.
After all, for me, bridge is not just a game: it is a place where I have found friends, as well as my girlfriend. When I go to bridge, I do not just play; I share time with friends. As is typical for me, this summer, I will play a congress at La Baule and spend some time among friends; bridge is, in a way, a pretext for us to meet up.
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