Road to BIC: advice from champions #3
Every day until BIC kicks off on 26 October bridge champions Milan Macura, Jérôme Rombaut, Dominique Fontenau and Zia Mahmood will share advice to prepare the main event of autumn 2020.

How do you deal with stress and pressure?
Dominique Fonteneau
In my case pressure and stress take three forms. First I have butterflies in my stomach. That’s when I try to rely on a solid bridge technique. Then pressure becomes a driving force and I act on the spur of the moment. And finally, towards the end I feel relaxed so I have to remain focused on my goals.
Milan Macura
I am not stressing much anymore and the tournament pressure pushes me to perform even better. Yes, I am lucky to have this skill. I believe that dealing with stress and pressure is forming up during growing up and that parents have a big influence on it. But, everything can be trained and experience plays a big role to master this skill.
Jérôme Rombaut
I really play for the sake of the game so I don’t feel much stress or pressure.
Zia Mahmood
I am very casual and relaxed..so don’t feel much stress.
It’s only a game
I too, really play for the sake of the game… but some time I forget any not already played card !!!