Find the lead! Free bridge article

Find the lead

In partnership with Bridgerama+ magazine, Funbridge is pleased to give you free access to an article from the last issue. Enjoy! (Click here to print the article).


The February article includes 6 puzzles created by Baptiste Combescure. This young professional bridge player is challenging you to find the right lead for each hand. Here are puzzles you will find in the free article from the new issue of Bridgerama+ :

🔎Puzzle 1


  • ♣2: Lead your singleton Club.

After this auction, which doesn’t reveal much about your opponents’ hands, the best chance to beat the contract is to get some ruffs. So hope that your partner can get in twice.


It’s time to count your points based on your answers: 

🔎Puzzle 2


  • ♣4: You don’t want to offer declarer a trick with your opening lead.

Here you have to choose between a rock and a hard place. Faced with equal length, give priority to leading from the smaller honor, in order to stay as neutral as possible.


It’s time to count your points based on your answers: 

game bridge

🔎Puzzle 3


  • ♦5: «When opponents don’t bid Stayman, focus on leading in a major.»

Without contradicting this principle, leading from a nice five-card suit is the best weapon to beat declarer. Go for the ♦5, fourth best.


It’s time to count your points based on your answers: 

Verdict bid

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bridgerama plus november 2021 front page


Bridge reference magazines Bridgerama and BeBRIDGE are merging to become BRIDGERAMA+:

  • On any device
  • 12 issues per year (1 more than Bridgerama)
  • 28 pages per issue (8 more than Bridgerama)