Your personalised statistics now available!

Preview Statistics

We have been working hard for months to manage to analyse all your games – over 1 million every day! and extract useful information on the way you play. We are proud that our hard work has paid off and personalised statistics will become available on Funbridge.

What is this new feature for?


1- Find answers to all your questions

We focused on how your deals split, but also and more importantly, on your success rate. Do more often go down in your contract when you play in Trumps or in NT? Now you will have the answers!

2- Identify your strengths… and weaknesses

We are convinced that these statistics will enable you to better understand your strengths and weaknesses. With many filters available, there is no doubt that you will find something that suits you.

Compare myself

3- Compare yourself against other Funbridge players

Another interesting option is that you can compare your statistics against all Funbridge players, players of your series, Elite players or even a specific player.

Where to find your personalised statistics?

Go to your account or the menu on the homepage of the app to access your statistics.

My acount

Of course, we wish to improve these statistics in the coming months. Your opinion and ideas are important to us!

Any suggestion is welcome. That is precisely the aim of this article: discuss with you to improve Funbridge further.

Let’s chat in the comments below!”

Boris Plays
Boris Plays
Product Manager


  1. I often play 10 deals, then hopefully, come back later and play the other 10 deals. Sometimes I don’t complete the whole 20 deals, and my score is falsely lowered. It there a way to cancel incomplete results?

    • Yes it’s available on every platform and no you don’t need any subscription, it’s available to everyone 🙂 If you don’t find it in the menu of the app you may have to update it to the newest version

  2. I couldn’t get to the actual statistics view. It always takes me back to this page (the blog). Can you please fix this? Thanks

    • Hey Probe007, if you scroll up you’ll see in this article a paragraph called “Where to find your personal statistics”. There’s a screen capture showing you the way. Basically, there’s a “Statistics” button in the menu of the homepage and another one in the “My account” page (which you can access by clicking on your picture, in the top-right corner of the homepage)

    • The statistics are available to everyone, wether you prefer buying deals or subscribe to Premium/Premium+ doesn’t matter here

  3. Why is premium only for those who buy monthly access and not for those who buy a certain number of games? After all, we could pay something extra instead of committing to a limited period of time.

    • Oh, it’s not the first time I see this question, maybe we could have made it clearer.

      The “Split” column shows how your contracts are divided between different categories, such as the split between trump vs. no-trump, or the split between part-scores, games and slams. The other column, “Success rate” show how often you make your contract as a declarer (or how often you defeat your opponents if you’re on defense).

  4. How can I go back to play the way I did before I chose the personal statistics option? I don’t like when I replay a game that I have to hit advice rather than the lightbulb!

    • Ah sorry but on the newer iOS version the lightbulb giving you Argine’s advice when you replay a hand has been replaced. We needed some room to add the “card potential” feature (did you try it?). It shows you how many tricks you would take for playing a card.

  5. This is a great addition, Boris! Would it be possible to get statistics on the percentage of bad hands that I have in the bidding vs. the play of the cards? I think that would be very helpful.

  6. I think the Argine “advice” is more interesting than the double dummy analysis. Maybe this could be an option?

  7. Ben eigenlijk alleen maar geintresseerd in het spelen van het spel en analyseren kan ik wel zelf

  8. Ben eigenlijk alleen maar geintresseerd in het spelen van het spel en analyseren kan ik wel zelf.

  9. Hi Boris,
    I like this new feature and I have a few enhancement suggestions:
    1. Where we select the “split,” have a grid with multiple choices. So, in addition to comparing my score against Argine, Elite players, or one player, I can have all three.
    2. Because the information would not all fit on a monitor page, have the option of sending the data to file.
    3. Have a summary for the report. Something along the lines: “Based on this report you can improve by:
    1. Play fewer games as declarer.
    2. You need to work on your slam bidding.
    3. You’re losing games because your defense needs work.”

  10. I am sure you must have extensively tested the results of the report, but how can we, your customers, know that they are correct?

  11. Above, I asked you how do I know that your results are correct?

    There’s one result that I find curious, meaning I doubt your results, maybe you can explain it:

    When I compare my results against players in my series, on the very last line of the report “I’m redoubled,” I see the following numbers:
    2 0 0 28

    If the others play zero redoubled, how can they succed 28% of the time?

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