What would be your next bid?

(2) 2♦ : fourth suit game forcing

Sitting South,what would be your next bid?
Tom Drijver’s answers

Nice descriptive bid. You show a three-card heart suit and let your partner further describe the hand. If Partner doesn’t have a five-card heart suit, he/she will bid something else, and you can bid 3NT. You have now communicated everything. I have a three-card heart suit and a stopper in Diamonds.
Score: 20/20 ✅

You show your stopper in diamonds and certainly provide information to your partner. However, if partner has a five-card heart suit, he/she will now bid 3NT, and you might miss a fit in a major suit.

Fourth suit forcing to further describe your hand. You may bid 3♣ with a nice five-card club suit without a three-card heart suit. The three-card heart suit takes precedence here.

Big steps, quickly done. This can certainly be a good final contract, but it is too early to make this choice. Bidding is really a collaboration, and partner is asking for information with the fourth suit forcing, which you should provide. Together, you can go further.
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This bid of 2h can also be a non forcing bid, showing min values. 2h also does not carry too much conviction if 1 h could be a 4card bid. To invite to a game would prefer to bid 2 nt or depending on established partnership dynamics push for 3nt.
Clarity of values ascribed to the 2d by partner determines this bid.
As you say partnership agreement is critical here 2 nt allows partner to still explore heart fit if it is agreed it does not deny 3 hearts and allows 2 hearts as a misfit 3 hearts as 3 hearts and no diamond stop
Loved the bidding challenge.
I chose 2 hearts which was judged the right solution. Too often I have jumped to game without an adequate description of my hand.
Nice to see a bidding article for all, subscribers or not.
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