National Division: In Jérôme Rombaut’s Mind [Part 1]

The French National Pairs Division 1 was held on 28-29 September and 5-6 October. Jérôme Rombaut participated with his son Léo. In this article, he talks about some of the deals he played with Funbridge staff member Vincent Gallais.

Put yourself in the shoes of the champions and take part in the discussions too!

Deal 1

If you were Léo, what would you have bid?

Deal 2

If you were Léo, what would you have bid?

Deal 3

If you were Léo, what would you have bid?

Deal 4

If you were Léo, what would you have bid?

Deal 5

If you were Léo, what would you have bid?

Deal 6

If you were Léo, what would you have bid?

Deal 7

If you were Léo, what would you have bid?

Deal 8

Léo decided to open 2♥, promising 6 cards in hearts and a hand of 8-12 points. Would you have done so?

The full auction

Deal 9

If you were Léo, what would you have bid?

Deal 10

(1) Denies 4 cards in a major
(2) Major two-suiter

If you were Léo, what would you have bid?

Deal 11

In North, you are on lead with the ace of hearts after the lead of the 6 of hearts. What do you play?  

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    • Hello, thanks for your careful reading!
      Board #11 is correct; the lead is ♥6.
      Board #10 has an error: the (2) alert should be on the 2♣ bid, not the 3♣ bid!

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