Let’s talk about bridge

Two-spice recipe

Two Spice Recipe

Technique, psychology and imagination are the main ingredients of a successful bridge recipe. Two spices perfume these tasty morsels. To be savoured without moderation.
Hello August

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Laissez-vous envoûter par la magie de l'été, votre Newsletter Exclusive d'août est arrivée ! Détendez-vous et découvrez tranquillement, au soleil, notre sélection de contenus réservée aux abonnés Premium et Premium+ dont vous faites actuellement partie.
Trust the robots

Trust the robot

When the opening lead is made, it is too late to worry about what should have been done in the auction. On this month’s deal, declarer in a Funbridge MP game ended…


Biarritz, the inevitable festival

In early July the Biarritz festival welcomed bridge players from all over France with a special place for Spanish visitors. This big international celebration lasts 10-15 days and is organised by Franck…
